Saturday, April 25, 2009

R.I.P. Willie McBride

I worked with Willie at Engine and Truck 12. He invited a bunch of us to his wedding anniversary. I think it was his 25th. He was soft spoken but he spoke up and was not quiet. He had a good sense of humor.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

RIP: Ralph Dortenzio and a Late RIP: Harold Byrnes

I worked with Ralph while I was on probation in Middle Street. The thing I remember most was his voice. For a little man he had a tall voice. I used to run into him when we were inspecting around upper Norman Street near Capitol Avenue.

I did not write anything about Harold before because I did not know him. I remember I did work with him one night at Engine 2 when I travled there to repay Tuck Colangelo a night I owed him. I said Hi to Harold but did not talk to him much. He was working on a Volkswagan, I think most of the early evening.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

R.I.P. Steve Sekelsky

When I was on probation, going through the houses, and was stationed on Truck 5 A we has a fire at New England Tobacco. I think that was the name. on the corner of Islandbrook and North Avenue. It was the spring of 1972.
After the fire was out, Steve and I were shoveling debris outside and Steve cut his hand. From the reports I got later; Steve went to show an officer and one of the owners said, go to aisle so and so, and up on the 3d shelf are some bandaids. Steve went to the location and when he reached up to get a bandaid a different owner yelled at him, "Hey, what are you doing?! Get away from there! You guys have been stealing from me right and left!". Then he pulled out a gun on Steve. Steve left the room and told an officer. One minute later, we were told by our chief and officers to immediately stop the clean-up. So we abruptly left without finishing.

Monday, January 26, 2009

RIP: Mike (Rocky) Stonaha

I met Mike while on probation going through the houses. He was on Truck 5-A shift. His niece used to live a couple of houses from me.

We were doing house work one day and after noticing much brown-nosing downtown, I asked him, "Mike, is there much brown-nosing here, downtown?". His immediate reply was another question, "WHAT!?! ARE YOU BLIND?!" I burst out laughing and he realized I was kidding and he started laughing, too.